The Location Agreement: A Must-Have Document for Filming

If you`re a filmmaker or producer planning to shoot a movie, short film, or any other kind of audiovisual content, one of the first things you need to do is secure a location to shoot. It could be a private home, a commercial space, a public area, or any other type of property. But regardless of what kind of location it is, it`s crucial to have a location agreement in place before you start filming.

What is a location agreement?

A location agreement is a legal document that outlines the terms and conditions of using a property as a filming location. It specifies the rights and responsibilities of both the location owner and the filmmaker, and provides a clear understanding of what can and cannot be done on the property during the filming process.

Why is a location agreement important?

There are several reasons why having a location agreement is crucial for filmmakers. Here are a few of the most important ones:

1. Protection: Having a location agreement in place protects both the filmmaker and the location owner. It clarifies the expectations and responsibilities of both parties, and can help prevent misunderstandings or disputes.

2. Liability: Filming on a property can be risky, and accidents can happen. A location agreement should include provisions that address liability issues, such as who is responsible for any damage to the property or injuries to cast and crew.

3. Permissions: Depending on the type of location, there may be specific permissions or permits required to film there. A location agreement can ensure that all necessary permissions have been obtained and that the filmmaker is complying with any relevant laws or regulations.

4. Consistency: A location agreement can help ensure that filming is consistent and efficient. It can outline the shooting schedule, the areas that can/cannot be used, and any restrictions on noise or other activities.

What should be included in a location agreement?

While each location agreement will vary depending on the specific property and project, there are several key elements that should be included:

– Names and contact information of both parties (filmmaker and location owner)

– Description of the property and the specific areas that will be used for filming

– Dates and times of filming

– Payment terms (including any deposit or reimbursement for damages)

– Insurance and liability provisions

– Permits and permissions required for filming

– Provisions for security and safety

– Provisions for cleaning up and restoring the property after filming


A location agreement is a vital document for any filmmaker or producer planning to shoot on a private or public property. It provides legal protection, clarifies expectations and responsibilities, and ensures that the filming process is consistent and efficient. While each agreement will be unique depending on the property and project, it should always include key elements such as payment terms, insurance provisions, and permit requirements. By taking the time to create a thorough and clear location agreement, filmmakers can ensure a smooth and successful filming process.